Swing Trading Secrets

Ever thought about earning a living off the stock market? There are several loopholes within the NASDAQ that run itself every month. The pattern is based on companies that spin-off from mother companies and with the right research, finding a winner is a sure deal. It’s not simple, but it isn’t very hard either. One does need to take the time to assess certain companies but I’m sure the average investor is spending hours upon hours looking through news, charts, message boards, analysis reports, etc. All in all, I’m very happy to have discovered this method.

Technical analysis is definitely important. Google and Yahoo finance provide very extensive and detailed charts with numerous options for one to do their market research. The loopholes and spin-off companies I mention should be thoroughly examined through the finance sections of either Google or Yahoo to make sure that you buy at a relatively good time.

A lot of skeptics out there are obviously scoffing at the idea of a “sure thing”. Nothing in life is a ‘sure thing’ and as with all stock purchases, a stop loss of around 10 legitimate and every avid investor should choose to do this.

Steps of the avid investor:

1. The introduction – research the company site, look at details on Google/Yahoo finance.
2. Calculate fair price per share.
3. Make sure you are paying under the fair price per share.
4. Research further information (SEC filings, etc.)
5. Figure out when to sell.

It’s a drag when you have to pay several hundred grand to the government every year for taxes… all your hard earned stock profits just go to hospitals and the homeless…. well it’s a good cause right?? And on the other hand, you still get to keep several hundred grand!! Gotta look at it from the right perspective… Is the glass half full or half empty…?

Traits of the avid investor:

The right kind of perception is needed to be a successful trader. One must always keep a positive outlook and not panic. Greed and fear are the two worst but most prevalent emotions of the trader. Keep your emotions in tact! A successful trader needs to be patient. You have to let your positions run and also have to be able to swallow your pride and close the deal when it doesn’t work out. Being flexible, courageous and disciplined are all necessary traits. A successful trader is passionate in his desire to success. This involves an ongoing education; knowing how to adapt to market conditions. A successful trader is incredibly disciplined. They do the right move even when they don’t want to. It means committing to a strategy and not trading on a whim because of some special tip. Successful traders know that mistakes will happen. However, they understand that a mistake is truly a mistake only if you don’t learn something from it.